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Email sent to zinc.anode@spamchek.com will be considered spam and processed accordingly.

Spam and virus filter

Over 90% of all e-mail are spam. Up to 10% contain viruses. Spamchek makes sure neither spam nor viruses reach your mail server.


Email archiving

Companies need to archive business-related correspondence, e-mail included, for at least 10 years. Spamchek makes it easier for you.




Spamchek has only satisfied customers

"We had 30,000 spams queued up, and couldn't get to our important emails. Spamchek solved the problem."
(Reto Ziltener, Director, Comit AG)
"If only everything was so easy."
(Joachim Zahradnik, CEO Dianne Brill Cosmetics Ltd)
"Very impressive."
(Norbert Dankof, Managing Director, Institut d’Optimisation Appliquée Sàrl)
"Our guys in Copenhagen suggested we send you flowers."
(Russell Quinn, Managing Director, Spoiled Milk ApS)
"Ich war über die Effektivität sehr positiv überrascht."
(Philippe Baumann, Geschäftsführer Integratio GmbH)
"What? We have Spamchek? But I don't get any spam!"
(Josef Mischinger, Shop Manager, MMS AG Membrane Systems)
"I love it!"
(Pascal Egli, IT Manager, Luzern Tourismus)
"It’s just like the good old days without spam."
(Nuno Bandera, CEO AFAR Communications)
"Super service!"
(Adrian Oberle, Manager IT & Web, eins1 AG)
"Simply brilliant!"
(Brigitte Laube, CFO, MMS AG)
"It is simply brilliant!"
(Simone Lindinger, Manager IT & Quality Assurance, Carelink Foundation)
Every month we process more than 100 million emails for well-known companies around the world. Here's an excerpt from our client list:
  • Publisuisse SA, Bern
  • SNV Schweizerische Normen-Vereinigung, Winterthur/ZH
  • Andreas Messerli AG, Wetzikon/ZH
  • Helvetas Swiss Association for International Cooperation, Zürich (Case study)
  • Dianne Brill Cosmetics Ltd., London/GB (Case study)
  • PK Rück Lebensversicherungsgesellschaft, Vaduz/Liechtenstein
  • Marti Holding AG, Bern (Case study)
  • Wolfensberger AG, Bauma/ZH
  • Karl Vögele AG, Uznach/SG
  • Schiller AG, Baar/ZG
  • Spoiled Milk ApS, Copenhagen/Denmark
  • AFAR Communications, Santa Barbara/USA
  • Stiftung Wagerenhof, Uster/ZH
  • Rotronic AG, Bassersdorf/ZH
  • Specogna Bau AG, Kloten/ZH
  • EXPOformer AG, Bülach/ZH
  • Interoil E&P Switzerland AG, Zürich
  • Hochschule Wädenswil/ZH (Case study)
  • TuCon, a.s., Žilina/Slovakia
  • Pneumatex AG, Füllinsdorf/BL

If you want a complete list of clients or references from your or a similar industry, just call or email us.